"Play" is a grotesque about life and death. A study of destiny, the Gombrowicz form, the roles that are assigned to us by our surroundings or social groups, which are not entirely consistent with our inner self and self-perception.
If we grasp fate in our hands, will we be strong enough to cheat destiny, to surpass the plans that are top-down made for us? Who presses the magic "PLAY" button, and who decides when to press "STOP"?
A theme strongly drawn in the play is passing of time. Everything we know is conditioned by time – there is a time to be born, a time to live and a time to die, and whether the viewer reads this literally or metaphorically is a matter of interpretation.
Joy, affection, friendship – all these things will pass away. So is it worth to remember it or is it better to surrender to the action of the moment, to live on the fly being ready for an unexpected turn of events and be always ready for the sudden pressing of the button with the word "PLAY"?

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